將軍澳美容院: T-Nail (將軍澳店) | 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon


T-Nail 於 2006 年 1 月成立,多年來致力推動香港美甲業的普及化,提供全方位的專業美甲服務,包括於港九新界經營大型專業美甲服務連鎖店,亦設有師資優良的國際認證教學部及代理多個國際知名的美甲品牌。T-Nail 曾多次獲邀請為不同的政府及大型私人機構的指定美甲服務及教學供應商,成績有目共睹,深受各界人士推崇。由成立至今已獲獎無數,奠定了在香港美甲業的地位。

T-Nail is established in January 2006. Our vision is to promote the popularization of nail industry in Hong Kong. We provide a variety of professional services in the nail sector, which includes professional nail salons, international standard nail college and distribution of famous nail products. Due to our expertise, we have been invited by different government and large corporation as designated nail services and education providers. Along with years of development, T-Nail has quickly grown to become one of the leading nail service providers in Hong Kong.

我們於香港、九龍及新界均設有店舖,分別位於銅鑼灣、旺角、觀塘、荔枝角、沙田及元朗的核心地帶。有多位考獲國際資格的美甲師隨時候命,無論三五知己一同蒞臨,或想獨個兒享有舒適的環境,T-Nail 都是您的心水之選。

Our professional nail salons are located in Causeway Bay, Mongkok, Kwun Tong, Lai Chi Kok, Shatin and Yuen Long. Certified and experienced nail technicians providing superior services to our customers. T-Nail is your favorite choice no matter you would like to come together with your friends, or even want to enjoy yourself in a comfortable environment.


  • 美甲


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