銅鑼灣美容院: SALT SPA | 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon


Our mission
In HK which is extremely polluted we wish to help people live a better lifestyle, by providing a solution to personal wellness. In today’s day world most people live and work in extremely polluted air environments. As a result of such environmental conditions, an increased number of
people suffer from lung indispositions, such as bronchitis, asthma, allergies and other respiratory and skin diseases. Salt spa is here to provide a clean and natural environment to break away from
the polluted and stressful environments we live in.

People have become accustomed to keeping their bodies clean through regular washing and personal hygiene. However, there are few means available, which can be used regularly to cleanse the pollution we are exposed to daily. Salt spa has developed the means to provide an
everyday solution to this problem with the use of natural salt aerosol factors.

Moreover, people living and working in cities are exposed to significant stress. Mental pressure eventually causes breakdowns and affects the immune system of the body. Mental ailments can be the cause of many psychosomatic disorders. A regular battery recharge is becoming more and more essential in order to keep fit and not be left behind in the rhythm, in which we all now live.


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