中環美容院: NOVALASH Signature Studio | 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon


著名美國品牌NOVALASH,首間位於香港的Novalash Signature Studio 已正式開幕。NOVALASH創做全球唯一達致醫療手術級的植眼睫毛膠水,以舒適,自然,濃密而恆久風靡全球,美國天后Beyonce,Paris Hilton 等荷李活名人,紅星的完美睫毛均是NOVALASH的出品。佩戴後,除可大大縮短你每天化妝時間,更重要的是“真正零損害”我們的真睫毛。NOVALASH的自然睫毛,不單只適合女士使用,就連男士亦可佩戴。Novalash 每位Extensionist均完成美國醫生制定的課程,通過考試,獲取證書, 能以專業的智識,根據每位的不同面形,眼形,修改及創做一對令你漂亮,有神的眼睛。


The NovaLash Signature Studio gives women the opportunity to enhance their beauty in an entirely new way-- not only is the NovaLash adhesive both strong and flexible for maximum hold and natural feel, the extensions also come in a variety of lengths, diameters, colors and curls to give each client the lash look they desire.

NovaLash professionals design a lash style based on the shape of your eyes, the shape of your face, and your current natural lash condition to enhance your features and revitalize your look, drawing attention to your natural beauty. NovaLash eyelash extensions are a woman’s best-kept secret to low maintenance, effortlessly chic, breathtaking beauty.


NovaLash is one of the world’s most prominent eyelash extension companies offering award-winning, quality products along with the only physician-developed training program in the industry reaching the highest industry standards for education. At the NovaLash Signature Studio you are guaranteed to have a NovaLash trained and certified professional using only NovaLash products and tools to apply your extensions.





NovaLash’s Platinum Bond Extra Strength Lash Adhesive received
the prestigious Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors
Association (ICMAD) 2007 CITY Award for product innovation.

NovaLash received:
Beauty Launchpad’s Reader’s Choice Award - BEST EYELASH EXTENSIONS in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

American Spa Magazine’s Professional Choice Award - FAVORITE EYELASH EXTENSIONS in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Behind the chair -BEST EYELASH EXTENSIONS in 2015, 2016


  • 修眉/眼睫毛


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