將軍澳美容院: EASE Wellness Centre【緻藍天分店】 | 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon

EASE Wellness Centre【緻藍天分店】美容院


EASE Wellness Center 座落於香港東部,旨在為繁忙的都市儷人提供屬於「家」的溫馨寫意感覺。全方位面部護理、身體按摩、纖體療程、水療、藏傳蒸薰及香薰理療等一系列由專業團隊主理的美容養生服務,助您漫步健康美麗人生。



EASE Wellness Center, perched over the eastern side of spectacular Hong Kong, aspires to make city dwellers feel at home. With an all-encompassing range of beauty and wellness programs including facial treatments, holistic body massage, slimming regimens, SPA hydrotherapies, Tibetan steaming and aromatherapeutic services, embark on a journey of vitality with our seasoned team of specialists.

Efficacious skincare and wholesome products with impeccable quality are handpicked by holistic medicine doctor from around the globe, for instance USA, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Korea and beyond, turning every sweet home into a true beauty destination where beauty and wellness can be enjoyed at anytime.

After a long day in the bustling world, you can fully unwind and indulge in a tranquilizing, calming and soothing ambience. Sit back, relax and savor the beauty of life at ease.


  • 面部護理
  • 按摩/SPA
  • 其它
  • 蒸薰


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標題* *抱歉,只有登錄後的會員才可評論!


