(美容院CANARY Central 【Wellington Street店】評價) れからもよろしくお願いします❗️ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ | 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon

用戶[bebe]給CANARY Central 【Wellington Street店】的評分

香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon 用戶:

美容院 / 美容師 評價評論評分 @ 香港美容網 Hong Kong Beauty Salon れからもよろしくお願いします❗️ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

I have not been to any other nail place since I found Canary three years ago. Thanks for being the most awesome nail artists ever and for putting up with my most random thematic art requests that takes 110% concentration and precious time to produce. 

CANARY Central 【Wellington Street店】回覆: 未有回覆
免責聲明: 以上評分及評論皆來自第三方用戶之個人意見,並不代表本網「香港美容網」之任何立場,詳情請參閱本網之「服務條款」,敬請留意!

