本公司於2003年在大埔區開業至今, 一直以明碼實價, 以客為本的精神, 為顧客服務。為感謝親愛的顧客對我們的支持和愛戴, 我們一定會用心的做到最好 !
我們提供的專業美容保健療程, 更可幫助顧客解決皮膚上的問題,令肌膚重現光澤、嫩滑、緊緻的效果。
We have been established for ten years in Tai Po district. Always, we are fairly mark the prices and provide customers the best quality of service! We will try our best to return costumers support!
We provide a beauty and health treatment plan that would help costumers to improve the skin issues