Expert Medical 嘉悅醫療為香港5大連鎖美容診療集團,集醫學美容、塑形、植髮及牙科矯形於一體,成立於2014年,開業至今已擁有超過200,000名會員及100位星級用家實證分享。更於2015年起獲授予「卓越微整形中心」至尊獎及「商界展關懷」等殊榮,獲得業界及香港社會服務聯會的肯定。
Expert Medical 嘉悅醫療分店遍佈港、九、新界,提供全面、專業的醫學美容服務,更有8位註冊西醫、1位註冊中醫及1位註冊牙醫在各店為客人提供適切的資訊及專業醫學美容服務,以確保最佳治療效果。此外,集團重視品質,予客人信心保證,嚴選美國食物及藥物安全管理局(FDA)、歐盟(CE)認可及獲得多項醫學報告的先進儀器、治療技術及合乎醫學規格的高效護膚產品。集團更於每個季度自主研發高效專業醫學美容療程,為客人迎來新鮮感。
憑藉決心、信心、用心真誠待客,成就我們贏得Hong Kong Superbrand榮譽。至今已有超過1,000,000人次使用本公司的優質醫學美容、醫學瘦身及醫學抗衰老服務。致力為顧客提供世界級的醫學美容、醫學瘦身及醫學抗衰老服務。憑藉決心、信心、用心真誠待客,成就我們贏得Hong Kong Superbrand榮譽。至今已有超過1,000,000人次使用本公司的優質醫學美容、醫學瘦身及醫學抗衰老服務。
Established in 2000, NAIL NAIL Group is an ingenious nail salon inspired by nature and passion With our commitment in creating the ultimate luxury nail beauty experience, we endeavor to deliver innovative and uncompromising quality service with a comfortable environment for our esteemed customers.
The impressive portfolio of businesses includes the celebrated names like NAIL NAIL – Hong Kong's leading nail salon, my NAIL NAIL – the notable Hong Kong A Grade nail salon, in NAIL NAIL – the stylish shop design brings you a delightful nail grooming journey and shopping experience. Our professional nail care services includes manicure, pedicure, hand and foot treatment, artificial nail services, Calgel and masterful nail art etc. Over hundred nail care and nail cosmetic products with testers are available on product shelf for your trial and choice as well.
Incoco headquarters are located in Clifton, New Jersey, USA, where everything from development to formulation, production and packaging takes place. The company has produced hundreds of millions of products for global premium cosmetics brands, and its groundbreaking technology is globally patented, bringing a new world of possibilities to the nail polish realm. We provide the world's only flexible nail polish, which can be contoured to fit any nail size and shape. Incoco has set very high expectations of our company, our products, and our employees – always striving to possess high levels of innovation as well as provide 100% customer satisfaction.
水瓶座美容健康纖體中心「Aquarius Beauty Care & Healthy Trim Centre」創立於2008年,為十二星繡國際集團有限公司之「治療性專業美容服務」品牌,以頂尖和創新的科技結合專業美容服務,讓每位顧客都得到最有效和最貼心的專業治療。專業治療涵蓋背部治療、激光祛斑、纖體瘦身、暗瘡治療、生髮治療、醫學美容及醫學微整形等。
我們獨家引入Dr. Eugene Van Scott研創之「背部煥膚術」,作針對性背部治療,得到顧客的高度評價,更獲多個卓越美容品牌獎項,成為香港首間醫學護背專家。令顧客「無後顧之憂,美麗更徹底」。